Wind Turbine Big Data and Monitoring Software
In wind power plants, wind turbine big data and monitoring software is important. Because data collection and evaluation systems are important for analyzing the returns of the investments made and for guiding the investments to be made.
For this purpose, our company has established a data collection and monitoring system in wind power plants. We set up the MS SQL Server database by evaluating the data we receive from the turbines in the systems we build. This data may be on a Azure Cloud platform or on premise MS SQL Server. We can use RBS Report software for adjusting excel dashboards if requested. In addition, users can independently edit the output of these reports.

The collected data is also transferred to the big data system for later evaluation. Splunk software that we use for this purpose can be used both for our customers to create their own dashboards, analysis on big data. The system can be configured on the cloud or installed on premise system.

All desired analyzes can be performed on all turbines. And all the dashboards you want can be done by us both with the trainings given to the company.As well as being able to develop machine learning models with python with these collected data, it is also possible to develop prediction models with the splunk software’s own machine learning tools. With our online monitoring software, we provide live monitoring from all platforms. With this software, all the desired data is provided to you via cloud systems live.

Our main goal in this system is to manage the systems completely from one center without anybody. And by analyzing the data, it is goal that the systems make more money than the data and prevent system fault. Thus, the profitability of the companies will be increased and their investments will be evaluated accordingly.

What is RBS Report?
RBS Report is a basic reporting software. With this software we have called Industrial Excel® and Trend reporting program, you can design and create Excel® reports that WINCC® and other SCADA packages can not. The most important issue here is that you can make independent designs yourself. The reporting system basically connects to any OPC Server as an OPC Client application and registers tag values on MS SQL Server. By using the most commonly used Excel® software both in the industry and in the world, the user is able to report effectively.
Click for the Wind Energy Monitoring.